Friday, November 26, 2010

Festival of Trees

We started our holiday season last week by going to the Festival of Trees in Idaho Falls. Of course, Santa was there and I was so proud of both Michael and Kelli for not screaming.
Michael's favorite part of the night was when he got his face painted. He wanted a zebra, and I must say I was pretty impressed with the outcome.

It was a fun night with lots of yummy treats and beautiful trees (I forgot to take pictures of the trees.) I love this time of year!

Monday, November 15, 2010

I Have a Three Year Old!?

On November 15, 2007, I was a cranky 3 day overdue pregnant woman pleading with her doctor to induce labor to bring a beautiful baby boy into the world. Today, November 15, 2010, I have a 3 YEAR OLD! Where does the time go? These last 3 years have been wonderful. Michael is such a happy boy. He loves to make people laugh and he is so friendly to everyone he meets. Everywhere we go you can expect to hear him say, "Hi. I'm Michael." to any passersby. He is so polite always saying please, thank you, excuse me, and bless you. He is so smart; he knows all of his letters and numbers and can count to 13. He is really in to cars, Toy Story and Bob the Builder. He loves to watch movies and play games (just like his dad). He is a great helper and loves to play with Kelli. He loves chicken nuggets and some days eats them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He hates wearing socks and shoes and takes them off every time we get in the car. He likes to play with friends, and says that mom is his best friend. We love him so much and are so grateful to have him as part of our family.

Yesterday we celebrated his birthday with our families. He got lots of attention and presents. He got puzzles, books, clothes, movies, transformers, bubbles, and lot of Toy Story things. It was so fun watching him open his presents. He would open one and say, "Oh, gosh!" (I have no idea where he learned that.) And then he would say, "Look, everybody!" and walk around and show everyone what it was. It was so cute and he loved all of his gifts. (Thanks, everyone.)

When I asked Michael what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday he said a "lion" cake. So because I am such a good mom, I made him one. It turned out pretty cute and he loved it! When everyone was arriving at his party he would take their hand and take them into the kitchen to show them his cake. He would point to it and say, "Ta-Da!" He was so proud.

Blowing out his candles

Today we are having a relaxing day, playing with all of his new toys and watching all of his movies. His birthday has definitely been in Michael's words, "THE BEST EVER!!"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Truck for a Buck

Whenever we need to haul something large, we always have to borrow a truck from someone. It has gotten to be a pain, and Mitch has wanted to buy a truck for a long time. I kept telling him no because we couldn't afford a truck. Well, we found one that we could afford. My dad purchased a new truck and told Mitch he would sell him his old one for $1. Pretty good deal, so this weekend we bought a truck. It is a 1988 Chevy and Mitch is ecstatic. He drove it to work this morning.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Lots O Leaves

This past Sunday we went to my parent's house for dinner. My parents have a lot of trees, which produce a lot of leaves and in the Fall provides much entertainment for children. Michael could not wait to get outside to play in all of the leaves. Mitch helped him rake the leaves into a big pile. He could not get enough of them.

This one is my favorite. Silly boy.
My adorable niece, Halle, also joined Michael in the leaves.

It was tough getting these two inside. They finally agreed when we offered them ice cream sandwiches!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween Cuties

I had a hard time deciding what to dress Kelli as for Halloween. We went between a bunny and an elephant and a lamb, but none of the costumes were cute enough for our little Kelli. I finally found this flower costume and decided that it was perfect because she sure "blossoms up our lives." I think she looked pretty darn cute.

Michael has a huge thing for Toy Story right now and couldn't decide if he wanted to be Buzz or Woody. He finally decided to be "Woody with the cowboy hat." He could not wait until he could put his costume on and asked me every morning if he could wear it. Well, the day finally came and this was how excited he was to wear his costume.

I had to wake him up from a nap to get him ready to go to our ward's Halloween Carnival and he was not very happy with me for waking him up, even to put on "Woody". He eventually "woke up" and then was a very happy, cute Woody.