Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mitch's Award!

On Tuesday I had the opportunity to attend an Award Ceremony at BYU-I where Mitch was receiving the Newel K. Whitney Award. The Newel K. Whitney Award is in memory of the early church member who used his gifts, talents, and means to build the kingdom of God. Whitney was innovative, frugal, and honest--a true entrepreneur. Additionally, Whitney was able to improve his business yet remain loyal to the church despite hard times. "He was a successful businessman, a presiding bishop of the Church, a prominent civic official, and a notable member of his community." (D. Michael Quinn, "The Newel K. Whitney Family," Ensign, Dec. 1978, 42.)

This award is given to students who have displayed similar traits that Newel K. Whitney possessed. Specifically, students are honored for their character, diligence, and desire to build the Kingdom of God. Selected students are those whom the faculty feel would represent the Church, University, and Department as an exemplary employable quality graduate.

This award was given to only 12 of the 200+ graduates in the Business Management major. To receive this award, Mitch was nominated by at least 2 professors and has an outstanding GPA. I am SO proud of him! He has worked so hard these last 6 1/2 years and it has definitely paid off!

Mitch with Brother Whitesides, who presented Mitch with his award and was one of the professors that nominated him for this award.

Mitch will be graduating on Friday, December 16th!!! Pics of Graduation to come!

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